
Monday, July 2, 2018

Monster Name

Monster Name
For math we have been doing some monster art. Alexia's looked like an Illuminati with 1 eye and another face at the bottom.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


For our maths we were doing geometry. Mr Lobb, Mr Arnold and Mrs Higginson taught us about tessellations. Tessellations are when you make a any shape you want and you get a big piece of paper and you draw around the shape and continue until you have the whole of paper filled with  the shape that you made. Then you can make a design and colour it in.
Here are some of Mr Lobbs math groups tessellations.

Marae trip

In Week 7 our school went to the Marae. When we got to the marae, we were welcomed by the Tanagata Whenua (Room 1). They called us onto their Marae, and then welcomed us with waiata. They welcomed us by speaking in Te Reo Maori and Mr McKeever spoke for us.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Surf Life Saving

On Monday Room 2 did surf life saving at Himatangi Beach. We learnt about a rip. A rip is when waves cross over and turn into foamy water. We enjoyed swimming in the water and playing beach games. There aren't many photos because it was raining hard!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Welcome Back

Hello Room 2 children and parents. I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and have plenty of stories to share for our first week back.

Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Waitara te awa
Ko Rhys Lobb toku ingoa
Ko Courtney toku hoa rangatira
Ko Madison tamahine

I have been teaching in Puawaitanga for the past 4 years and am excited to move over to the Te Wai Nui O Tane team. A lot of you will already know me as I have taught your child before. For those that don't, please come and introduce yourself. I look forward to our future interactions regarding your child's learning.